Ktunes Christmas Caroling 2022
In this Ktunes Christmas Caroling group you will learn a number of Christmas carols.
Each week you will have access to instructional videos covering:
-historical information about the carol of the week
-explanation of the lyrics and symbolism
-high quality sing-along recording
-sheet music/lyrics to print
You may reply with recordings of your own either just for fun or for personalized feedback and tips.
At the end any of the students who wishes may send me recordings of themselves to be edited into a combined virtual choir music video for everyone to watch and enjoy.
A date and time will be determined to hold a live online Epiphany party to enjoy each other's company, play games to review what you've learned, and celebrate this festive Christmas season together!
This online caroling group is perfect for any age and is a fun and exciting way to add some special Christmas music to your household this Christmas season!
There are two steps to join the group:
1. Use the payment buttons below to complete the $15 payment for your entire family OR if you are a current Ktunes or St. Mary's Academy Student skip to step 2.
2. Send me a message on Volley (use the button below to login or create a free account) and let me know that you would like to be added to the caroling class. I will reply on Volley to get you started!